Andrea Gardner works in the realm of staged or constructed photography. She "makes up" scenes in the studio that are filled with artificial elements, in order to create a new and invented authenticity. Much of her work explores the tension between domesticity and nature, artifice and reality and the familiar juxtaposed with the unexpected. In the exhibition "Deep Green Heart" she investigates romantic notions of the "picturesque" and how it relates to 21st century environmental concerns, humans' complex relationship with nature and animals, and the ever-growing presence or infiltration of man-made elements in our environment.
Grant Beran says of his work, " My photochemical drawings are a meditationon the original photograph and a moment in the life of the person portrayed. I'm using photographic materials to create one-off painted photographic images. These are made without a camera or a darkroom; taking the word photography quite literally, painted with light."