2013 : 11 Auckland Waterfront theme

Sean O'Neil;Silo Wharf
Kerwin Maruzzo;Magnificent lights of city waterfront;City lights
Manasee Joshi;Spooky Muriwai;@Muriwai Beach
Manasee Joshi;Impression of love;@Muriwai Beach
Manasee Joshi;peace on mind;It was old couple came for a nice ride on this beautiful day @orere point
Manasee Joshi;black and white;@Devenport beach
Manasee Joshi;freedom;@Devenport beach
Stuart Weekes;Which do I pull for UP ?;Worker in a rope sling on cruise ship
Stuart Weekes;Z Z Z Z Z e e eebra Crossing !;Confusion of coloured stripes at Viaduct Harbour
Stuart Weekes;Dark view from the waterfront;taken from the Maritime Museum in July
Stuart Weekes;Some of the Fleet coming past North Head;Tall Ships Festival Labour Weekeend
Stuart Weekes;Lord Nelson coming to Berth;Tall Ships festival Labour Weekend

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