Rain forecast for Tuesday 5th evening - please dress for rain and bring a brollie....
Between 6-9pm you'll be dashing off to an exhibition, and then when you've finished being impressed by the depth and breadth of New Zealand photography, just either wait for another car that'll whisk you off to be impressed again by another exhibition or make tracks of your own to the next venue.
Simply turn up at any of the venues and look for the drop off/pick up point. If that all sounds a bit expensive, relax, our cars are free.
We aim to have a FREE car pick up/drop off every 20 minutes, but please if you are waiting too long grab your rollerblades, skateboards, cycles, scooters, own cars or taxi to the next venue. Be safe when travelling. We do not encourage speeding if using own transport. If taking a public bus please note that NORMAL FARES APPLY eg along K Road or down Queen Street or to Mt Eden or Dominion Road.