The 'Aspiring New Zealand' photo series showcases New Zealand’s spectacular winter landscapes taken by Cessna Plane. It is inspired by the Photographer’s journey as he discovers the abundance beauty of the sea, air and land of New Zealand’s majestic mountains, fascinating geographical terrains, stunning aerial views and colours of topographies that are unique, pristine and rarely seen by the public. This series of work, taken by Malaysian Photographer Jeffry Lim, has received numerous global photography awards and some of them included the International Photography Award (IPA) 2016 for the category of Fine Art, Landscapes and Aerial Shoot, Tokyo International Foto Awards (TIFA 2018) and US International Book Awards (2019) for Photography. This series of collection was also supported by the New Zealand High Commission in Kuala Lumpur as part of its celebration of 60 years of friendship between New Zealand and Malaysia in 2017.
Aspiring New Zealand
Satellite • Amiorangi
Aotea Centre • 8 June - 22 June
9am–5pm 7 days
Queen St City
Jeffry Lim
Aotea Centre • 8 Pipiri - 22 Pipiri
Ngā Haora
9am–5pm 7 days
Queen St City
Ngā Tohunga Toi
Jeffry Lim
Ko te kohikohinga mahi e kīa nei ko ‘Aspiring New Zealand’ he titiro ki te whenua o Aotearoa i te wā o te hōtoke. Nā Cessna Plane ngā whakaahua nei. Ko te kaupapa o te whakaaturanga nei he whakakipakipa i te manawa o te kaiwhakaahua nei nā tōna haereere ki te tirotiro ki te āhua me te ātaahuatanga o te moana, o te whenua me ngā maunga, o te hā o Ranginui rāua ko Papatuanuku, o ngā tae me ngā āhuatanga motuhake o te taiao e kore e tino kitea e te tangata.