Auckland Festival of Photography presents, and revisits as part of the Disruption [raruraru] theme, a New Zealand fine art series, Cases Studies South.
This series seeks to highlight the introduction of non native fauna and flora in the early colonial settlement years and the subsequent disruption to the landscape with these introduced plants. Following on from their earlier botanical photographic exhibition Case Studies Mark Smith and Felicity Jones presented a new body of work in 2021, which continued their exploration of peoples' connection with plants and the ongoing tensions between economic, social and environmental needs (and desires).
Central to their first series was the fascinating story of the Wardian Case, the humble wood and glass terrarium that was instrumental in shaping our global environment today. Case Studies South ventures further into humankind’s relationships with plant life, still through a New Zealand/Aotearoa lens but this time with more of a focus on South Island stories.
Outdoor lightboxes | view daily | lit up until midnight