Presented by Auckland Festival of Photography - a selection of Postcards from NZ 2021 as part of the Disruption [raruraru] theme.
Jacki Key, Story of a Raindrop
More on Jacki's work: | Watch on YouTube
Bruce Foster, Scarred Landscapes
This work is in response to the ever increasing man made impacts on the earth.
"The photographs were taken by drone, or from planes (it was helpful to know a few pilots), seats removed to reveal a tiny hole big enough for a camera lens, Foster kneeling on the floor of the plane as the land rolled past miles below."
Stuff, July 2021.
More on Bruce's work: | Watch on YouTube
Alan Dove
Alan produces mini-documentaries with environmental and sustainability related themes.
Alan is a Dunedin based professional photographer, with twenty-five years experience. He is the director and head photographer at Alan Dove Photography, whose work includes corporate/business, portraiture, fashion, editorial/documentary, advertising, public relations work and making and exhibiting fine art work.
More on Alan's work: | Watch on YouTube