Presented in partnership with Auckland Festival of Photography Online Programme & Format Photography Festival Online, as part of the Disruption [raruraru] theme.
Shahria Sharmin - When Home Won’t Let You Stay
Yasmin just got a short glimpse of her husband after waiting for four years. The day he returned from Malaysia, he was executed by Myanmar military along with their two sons. That same day, this 23-year old woman was raped and became pregnant in a refugee camp and gave birth to a child whose loving face reminds her not of her husband but of terror. There was no trace of hope, only despair and a great deal of anger against the whole world: a world that did nothing to save them.
FORMAT21 Online: Room 09
Etinosa Yvonne - It’s All in My Head
A multimedia project that explores the coping mechanisms of survivors of terrorism and violent conflict in Nigeria. The project aims to advocate for increased and long-term access to psycho-social support for the survivors with the aim of improving their mental health. In the last two decades, Nigeria has witnessed varying degrees of terrorism and violent conflicts. Whenever there is an attack humanitarian organizations and government agencies focus on providing relief materials and setting up make-shift clinics, temporary housing and schools. All of these are very necessary, however little priority is given to assessing the mental health of survivors.
FORMAT21 Online: Room 18
Marcin Kruk - How Much Will I be Able to go Through
Since 2017 Marcin Kruk has been working on a very personal project How Much Will I be Able to go Through – the documentation of his wife’s auto-aggressive disease – myopathy. Małgorzata, aged 37, lives from day to day, waking up stiff with pain in the morning and wondering how much she can go through each day. Myopathy is a general medical term used to describe a number of conditions affecting the muscles. All myopathies cause muscle weakness. Chronic inflammatory myopathies cannot be cured. The life expectancy after diagnosis is approximately 10 years. 1 in 15,000 people suffer from the mitochondrial disease. The images were created at different times, to try to construct a portrait of her pain and everyday suffering.
FORMAT21 Online: Room 16